Counseling and Coaching for Individuals and Families

We believe that everyone has the potential to lead a

happy and fulfilling life with the right team

At The Trauma Survivor Center,

We believe that everyone has the ability to lead a happy and fulfilling life. Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that mental and emotional well-being are integral to overall health, and that therapy and coaching can be powerful tools for achieving this balance.

Contact Us

[email protected]

Our Services


We offer a variety of evidence-based counseling services in Washington (*coming soon to Florida).

The Trauma Survivor Center are professionally trained to utilize the following intervention strategies: including cognitive-behavioral therapy, cognitive processing therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, internal family systems, conflict resolution, motivational interviewing, and mindfulness.


Is your flow off or are you in need a supportive cheerleader to bounce nonbiased ideas off of? Struggling with putting to practice supportive coping strategies for stress management.

Do you need a team member to support you as you develop personal goals for success and hold you accountable?

We offer coaching personalized to your unique needs.

We meet you where you’re at because this is your journey.

Take the first step to not just making your goals but exceeding them.

(*space limited for concierge coaching)

DBT Groups

Our structured DBT groups are delivers over a 26-week seeking that included skills training and support group with additional individual weekly sessions with the facilitator for review of clients engagement in programming and check-in of progress.

Our DBT groups are closed groups. This means that once a DBT groups has started, no additional participants will be allowed to enter the group during its entirety.

By taking this approach, participants have the ability to gain feedback from the peers and facilitator from their peers and facilitator regularly during the course of program as they are provided with a space to share and collaborate during change process.